Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why I Became a Personal Trainer

As a personal trainer I meet lots of people with all different kinds of goals. One thing  that always comes up is how I got into personal training. There's always a different answer for each person; I love working out, I love helping people reach their goals, I love helping people realize they can do things they thought were impossible. No matter the answer, it all funnels down to one thing. 

I've been debating whether or not to post my story because only a handful of people know the real reason I became a personal trainer and why I'm dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. 

The first time I can remember really caring about my weight is when I put on a pair of green corduroys in the 6th grade and they were a little tight. I walked down the stairs and asked my mom and sister if the pants I was wearing made me look fat. 

It was all down hill from there. 

Jr. High was when I really started to think that I wasn't as skinny or as pretty as the other girls in my grade. 

High school was when things started to really go down hill. I had started dancing at the age of 12. It was my dream to go to college and dance. I was at the point in my life where I was debating whether I wanted to major in ballet, or modern. I was in the doctor's office talking to my doctor about what I wanted to do and this is what he said to me. "Aren't you too big to be a ballerina?" 

I was 17 years old at the time, I already had body image problems and then I had my doctor tell me that I was too big to be a ballerina. I was 5'4" and weighed 130 lbs. I wasn't huge. I had muscle. I played softball, swam competitively, and danced. I grew up like a tom boy and yes, I had muscle. 

That was when I started to take drastic measures. I began throwing everything up almost everything that I ate. And I was good at hiding it. Very good.
I felt terrible. I hated the way I looked. 
I never thought I was good enough. 
I got pretty low, and was constantly fighting with myself. 

After awhile, my best friend at the time found out. It was super embarrassing and I knew that I had to change.

I started researching and realizing that there was a better way to do things. 

Long story short, it hasn't been easy by any means and I still have body image issues occasionally, but I've grown to love myself and to accept my body.
 My body is mine, and I love it!

I've learned to not compare myself to others and to take pride in my little accomplishments. 
This is the best I've felt in a LONG time, and I want to share it with others. 

That is why I became a personal trainer. 
I love helping other realize that being skinny isn't the only thing. 
Being HEALTHY is a goal, not dropping 60 lbs. 

I created this site because I want to help others who are going through what I went through. 
Please share this page with your friends! 

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