Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weekly Challenge!

Hello all! I'm excited to announce that starting this week I will be posting weekly challenges to help keep you motivated and working out during the week! 

This week is an ARM CHALLENGE!

I will be posting my progress during the week, and would love to hear how you are all doing as well! Post in the comment section (you can do it anonymously if you would like) and send supporting thoughts to others. 

We are all in this together and only words of encouragement are allowed :)

Alrighty, let's get to it!

Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
10 Push-ups
45 Second plank
10 Tricep dips
 Mon do 3 reps, Wed 4 reps, Fri 5 reps

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:
10 Elbows to plank (start in plank on your elbows, then push up to a full on plank and then back down to your elbows. This is 1 rep)  
30 Second side plank (each side)
20 Plank to downward dog (start in full on plank, keeping the abs tight lift the hips to down dog and return to  plank. This is 1 rep)
Tues do 3 reps, Thurs 4 reps, Sat 5 reps

Sunday is rest day. Good luck to you all!

*Side Note
I am looking to really expand the blog into a full on website within the next couple of months and I'm looking for another contributor or 2 to help me keep up with posting. Message me on Facebook (click on the link at the top of the blog) and we will see what we can work out, thanks guys!

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