Saturday, November 30, 2013

November SHRED Day 23!

How are your abs feeling? Good I hope :)

Day 23 is ready for you kill!

45 Second Quick Steps
*Using a step, step up one leg at a time, the back down one leg at a time as you can within 45 seconds. 

15 Second Rest

45 Second Both Leg High Knees
*Jump with both feet and bring your knees up as high as you can, then like hot potato, as soon as your feet touch the ground, jump again. 

15 Second Rest

45 Second Burpees
*With Push Up

15 Second Rest

45 Second Sumo Squats
*Legs a little wider than hips, and toes pointed out. Make sure when you squat your knees are tracking RIGHT over your toes.

15 Second Rest

45 Second Hand Plank

15 Second Rest

45 Second Elbow Plank to Hand Plank
*Star in hand plank. One arm at a time, push up to  hand plank (keeping your hips even) and then back down.

15 Second Rest

45 Second Switch Lunges

15 Second Rest

45 Second Sprint

Rest for 3- 5 minutes, then repeat 3-5 times!!

Keep Pushing yourself to achieve AMAZING results! Believe in yourself!

November SHRED Day 22!

Just call me slacker.... sorry! I'm terrible, but I hope you are all still working hard!

50 Leg Lowers
*Lay on your back with your hands either by your sides, or right under the small of your back. Lets go straight up in the air, then lower them until you feel your back start to arch. Return your legs back up with your ABS. Make sure you are NOT engaging your quads for this! It should be all in your abs!

50 Bicycle Abs
*Stay laying on your back with your FINGER TIPS behind your neck. (Do NOT grip your neck, this causes strain and you could injure yourself) Crunch to the side and touch one elbow to the opposite knees.

50 Side Crunches (each side)
*Lay on your side, up on your elbow, making sure that it's RIGHT under your shoulder. Don't have it too far out, or too far in this will cause shoulder strain. You feet should be straight out from your body so you make a straight line. Use your abs to lift your hips never resting back down until you finish 50.

50 Second Plank with Donkey Kick
*Elbow plank. Keep your hips level, and flex your hamstrings (bend your knees) one at a time.

50 Second Bridge

I hope that you're abs are on FIRE! This workout is a killer, but YOU CAN DO IT! Finish the entire thing, no matter what. Even if you have to take breaks, DO IT. Just make sure you PUSH YOURSELF!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November SHRED Day 21!

Who's ready for today? Are you quads on sore?? :)

30 Plank Jacks
*Start in hand plank, and move your legs out like you are doing a jumping jack, then bring them back in. Try to keep your hips as flat as you can. 

40 Mountain Climbers

50 Hop Overs
*Find something, and hop over it with your knees as high as you can get them.

40 Second Single Leg Plank
*Plank, but only one foot on the ground

30 Second Squat Hold

Repeat 4 times!

Monday, November 25, 2013

November SHRED Day 20!


50 Parallel Squats
*Feet right under hips, and pointed straight forward

50 Sumo Squats.
*Feet a little further out that hip width and turned out. Make sure you butt goes straight down and not out.

10 Squat Jumps


25 Single Leg Pistol Squats (each leg)
*Just go as far down as you can, and work your way up to being able to go all the way down.

30 Second Wall Squat


Finish with 50 Squats.

You can do it!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November SHRED Day 19!

I hope that you are all KILLING it,and enjoying your workouts :)

Today's is a PUSH UP CHALLENGE! whoot whoot!!

Do this workout every so often and watch home much stronger you'll get and the more push ups you'll be able to bust out!

10 Regular Push Ups
*Really push yourself to finish these 10 without quitting and getting your arms to 90 degree angles. 

10 Arms In Push Ups
*When you lower your body, your arms should rub right against your sides. These are harder, so really try and do your best!

10 Triangle Push Ups
*Hands in a triangle, elbows go out when you lower

10 Temp (3:2:1) Push Ups
*These are regular push ups except with a tempo. Slowly lower for 3 seconds, hold for 2 second, push up quickly in 1 second. 

10 Incline Push Ups
*Hands up against a wall, body at an incline, 10 of these easy ones ;)

10 Under The Fence Push Ups
*Do A, B, and C, the go back through B, and A. That's 1!

Finally, End with a 1 minute plank.
You will be shakin like crazy, but that's a good sign. Repeat this 2 throughout the day!

You can DO IT!

November SHRED Day 18!

If you don't have any of the equipment used, just find something that will for you :)

Needed: Sand bag or barbell, kettle bell/ dumbbell, and exercise ball

This is a great total body workout, but your legs will be thanking you tomorrow!

12 Clean and Press with sand bag or barbell
(Thank you random awesome man)

12 Lunges with Overhead Press (24 total)

12 Squats with Sand Bag
(again, we thank you random awesome man)

12 Kettle Bell Swings

16 Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl

16 Exercise Ball Bridges

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November SHRED Day 17!

How are you progressing? Are you getting stronger?  I sure hope so! 

Here's day 17 :)

40 Lunges with Over Head Press
*Use dumbells, books, anything that has some decent weight to it

20 Spider Push Ups (10 each arm)

40 Second Wall Sit Hold with Marches
*Alternate legs

 20 Tricep Dips

40 High Knees

20 Squat Jumps

40 Push Ups


You are AWESOME! Push through, and ROCK IT

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November SHRED Day 16!

Again, I apologize... turns out studying for midterms takes up a lot of my time. (who would have thought, right?)

Here's day 16. Enjoy!

**For today's exercise, you'll need a sand bag. I bought mine at Dick's Sporting Goods, but you can find them anywhere online. If you don't have one, find a pillow case and fill it with something that has some weight to it. 

20 Clean and Press
*Make sure to squat all the way down between reps. Also, make sure that you don't stick your chest out when you lift the bag over head.

20 (each leg) Forward Lunge with Rotation
*Make sure your knees make 90 degree angles. This ensures the safety of your knees :)

20 Romanian Dead Lifts
*Make sure you back is nice and straight. Arching your back can cause injury. Also, make sure your elbows brush right next to your side and don't flare out.
**For more of a challenge, do this balancing on one leg at a time!

20 Squats with Side Kick
*Hold your sandbag eight in front close to your chest, or behind you on your shoulders. Squat as far down as you can, then when you push up (forcefully), shift to one leg, kick the other leg up, then repeat and alternate legs. 

Find some stairs, and run up and down them as many times as you can with the sand bag. PUSH YOURSELF. You can do this! Remember, if it doesn't CHALLENGE you, it doesn't CHANGE you. 

After you finish this, repeat this circuit 5 times. YOU CAN DO IT!
Say it to yourself... I CAN DO IT!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

November SHRED Active Rest Day

Hey all! How's your month going? I'm hoping that you are keeping up with the workouts, and kicking butt!

Today is an ACTIVE REST DAY. 

I want you to go for a walk, do some yoga, ride your bike, anything that gets you active! 

This is what I will be doing today

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November SHRED Day 14!

Did you finish day 13 yet? If not... get on it! And then start day 14 :)

Also, I'm super excited to announce I finally have a NICE camera, so I will be (hopefully) posting more pictures of me doing the moves, and not just random peeps off the internet. Ha.... 

**You will need 2 hand towels and a slick surface for this circuit

10 Hand Plank Kick Through's
*Start in plank, kick one leg under and through to the opposite hand as you shift your weight. Return to plank, repeat other side.

30 Second Elbow Plank Hold on One Leg

10 (each side) Hand Plank to Side Kick
*Start in plank position. Shift your weight to one hand and one leg so you're facing the side. Kick the other leg straight up towards the ceiling having it meet your hand. Make sure not to drop your hips!

30 Second Elbow Plank

10 (each side) Elbow Plank on Chair with Inner Thigh Raise

30 Second Elbow Plank

10 Hand Plank Knees To Chest
*Place your feet on top of the hand towels and do this on a slick surface. Drag your keens to your chest with your ABS, not your hip flexors.

Repeat 3-5 times! You are going to be a PLANK MASTER by the end of this!

November SHRED Day 13!

How did I get so far behind?? AH! Ok, here is day 13. 

50 Sumo Squats 
*Remember: Ass to grass! ;)

50 High Knees

50 Side Lunges (25 each side)

50 Second Bridge hold

50 Second Hand Plank

50 Second Wall Sit

Repeat 3-5 times! :)

I want you guys to really push yourself, and try for the repeating it 5 times. PUSH YOURSELF! The more you push, the strong your will become! TRUST YOURSELF and DON'T LET YOURSELF DOWN! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

November SHRED Day 12!

Ah! I'm sorry I wasn't able to get day 12 up yesterday, the day got away from me. 

But here it is now :) Enjoy!

10 Burpees with 20 Mountain climbers instead of a push up
*Once you drop down into plank position, draw your knees in one at a time, 20 times.

20 Seated Oblique Twists
*Hold anything that has some weight to it for added difficulty

30 Push-Ups

40 Stair Taps
*Start with one leg on a step, then simultaneously, switch your feet. Repeat 40 times as fast as you can

50 Second Side Plank (25 sec. each side)

60 Second Wall Sit
 Repeat 3-5 times! 

Keep up the good work!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November SHRED Day 11!

Did you survive yesterday's workout? I hope you finished it, no matter how long it took!
You guys are awesome. Keep up the good work, and DON'T QUIT :)

Alrighty, here's today's workout!

20 (each leg) Lunge to High Knee
*Right leg steps back so you're in a lunge. Swing it forward, push off your left leg and jump as high as you can. Land on your left, and place your right back to starting position. Do 20, the switch legs

20 (10 each arm) Elbow to Plank
Start in elbow plank, and push up to your hands one at a time. Whichever arm you pushed up with first, go back to elbow plank with that one. Do 10, the switch arms.

20 (each leg) Side Lunges
*Start in a squatting position, lunge to the side as deep as you can, push back to a squat position. Alternate legs ever rep.

20 (each arm) Tricep Push Ups
*Lay on your side with your legs bent and tucked. With the arm closest to the ground, hug yourself and place the opposite arm right under your shoulder and push to straight. Make sure you try and keep most of your weight in that arm to get the most out of this move :)

Repeat this circuit 3-5 times. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November SHRED Day 10!!

Hows everyone doing? Are you keeping up? I sure hope so!

Are you ready to ROCK day 10??

Do each set as quickly as possible with NO rest. Rest once you're done with the set for about 3 minutes, then keep chuggin!

40 Jumping Jacks with Deep Squat when your legs go out.
40 High Knees
15 Burpees with Spider Push Up (Knee to elbow)

40 Switch Lunges
1 Minute Wall Sit


30 Jumping Jacks with Deep Squat when your legs go out.
30 High Knees
15 Burpees with Spider Push Up (Knee to elbow)
30 Switch Lunges
30 Second Wall Sit


20 Jumping Jacks with Deep Squat when your legs go out.
20 High Knees
15 Burpees with Spider Push Up (Knee to elbow)
20 Switch Lunges
1 Minute Wall Sit


10 Jumping Jacks with Deep Squat when your legs go out.
10 High Knees
15 Burpees with Spider Push Up (Knee to elbow)
10 Switch Lunges
30 Second Wall Sit


40 Jumping Jacks with Deep Squat when your legs go out.
40 High Knees
15 Burpees with Spider Push Up (Knee to elbow)
40 Switch Lunges
1 Minute Wall Sit

Relax, eat some protein and carbs, drink some water and pat yourself on the back. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

November SHRED Day 9!

Here's the workout that's going to lift, and tone that behind of yours.

1 Minute Bridge
20 Walking Lunges (Make sure you're legs make 90 degree angles with lunging)
25 Squats (Make sure you're knees track RIGHT over your toes, and you should be able to life you toes up when you're all the way down in your squat. This will ensure your weight is in the right place.)
20 Chair Hip Lifts (Lay flat on your back, and put your heels on a chair, a stair, anything elevated, then push through your heels and lift your hips to the sky. Hold 1 second, then lower.)

Repeat at least 3 times, and work up to 5! Good luck!!

Just Dreamin...

I dream a lot. I dream a lot about where I want to be in a couple of years, where I want to be when I retire, what I want to do with my life, etc. 

Lately, I've been dreaming about owning my own home, and business. As a sort of newly married woman, a house has definitely been on my mind. Apartments are fun to experience, but pretty soon that experience fades. I want to be settled, and grounded. Unfortunately, that dream is going to have to be put on hold for at least a year, depending on where and when my husband goes for his masters.

Another dream of mine is owning my own gym and/or dance studio. I've always known that I've wanted to open my own dance studio, but wanting to open my own gym has only been a dream of mine for about 3-4 years. 
I hope to have a family, be a successful health coach, and book writer one day. :)

What are some of your dreams?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November SHRED Day 8!

Today is going to rock! You ready? 

I want you to run for 30 minutes STRAIGHT!
If you're a runner.... well, I'm jealous. But still, push yourself and run farther than you've ever ran in 30 minutes. 

If you're not a runner (aka me) Push yourself to run for 30 minutes without stopping. 

Remember MIND over MATTER. You can do it, and the feeling after it happens is AMAZING! 
You can do this. Tell yourself that over and over, because guess what? It's TRUE! :)