Wednesday, December 10, 2014

You Were Born To Never Give Up

As I'm sitting here thinking about how incredibly blessed I am to be a SAHM (stay at home mom), I couldn't help but think about how much my little is teaching me. 

She is now 4.5 months old and has mastered holding her head up, rolling from her front to her back, then back to her front, and she's realizing she can put her legs underneath her and rocket herself forward. It's so much fun to see her hit these milestones! 

It's also really hard to watch her struggle when all I want to do is help her.

It would be so easy to just craddle her to sleep every time she woke up but then she would never learn to fall asleep on her own.

It would have been so easy to give her that little push and pull her arm out from under her when she was trying to roll to her front. 

It would be so easy to pick her up and move her to her toy but she would never learn to crawl.

As I was thinking about this, I came to a realization. 

Have you ever noticed that babies never give up? Yes they may rest their head when they are learning to hold it up, and they cry and get frustrated when they get stuck on their sides trying to roll over, but THEY ALWAYS KEEP TRYING.

Light bulb!

WE WERE BORN TO NEVER GIVE UP.  We want something so bad that we fight for it. 

You will fall. You will cry, scream, and probably throw a tantrum. You will want to give up. When you feel that way take a break like a baby who rests their o-so-heavy head while they are trying to hold their head up. Then, like that baby, lift yourself back up and KEEP TRYING.

You will get better. You will be able to hold your head up over time.

Attitude is everything. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

New YOU Resolutions

The year I'm not doing New Year's resolutions.... I am however, doing New YOU resolutions! 
Life is too short and if you wait until you're ready, you'll never start. 
I started TODAY, here are my New YOU resolutions: 

Read more (personal development)
Workout 6 days a week
Lose 10 pounds of fat, gain 5 pounds of muscle
Get my 5k under 30 minutes
Trim 10 minutes off my tri time
Run at least 1 half
Read scriptures daily
Go to the temple at least once a month
Become a diamond coach
Grow my PT business
Become a Piyo master trainer

What are your New YOU resolutions?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Shame the Shaming

Working in the health and fitness industry, and being a WAHM who uses social media a TON for my business, I'm exposed to a lot of different people in all shapes and sizes.

I've noticed something that keeps coming up in my news feed, emails, newspapers, etc. SHAMING.

You've all seen the dog shaming (which is actually pretty funny!)

The child shaming (can go either way...)

 Then there's the worst....

Body shaming.

Look, I've been there. I've hated the way my body looked. I thought that my body was supposed to look a certain way because society said so. And I'll admit, my body isn't what I want it to look like at the moment, but that doesn't mean that I don't LOVE my body!

I am not over weight, nor am I skinny. I have a bubble butt and a flat chest with a little pooch that pads and protects my uterus that made a now 3 month old little human. 

The body is an AMAZING thing and we are all incredibly LUCKY to have one! 

In this day and age the 'ideal' body type is always out of reach.

We put so much pressure on our selves to achieve what we think is the 'perfect' body that it leads to drastic measures in an attempt to achieve it. 

First of all, we need to STOP IT. Seriously... STOP.
No good comes from hating your body. 

Second, we need to STOP judging others, no matter their size.
No good comes from judging another body.

Size DOES NOT determine health. 

We are all made in a unique way by a loving God who gave us our bodies as a GIFT. We are not robots that are mass produced in a factory. 

STOP SHAMING the mom with the six pack 3 months after the birth of her 10th child. 

STOP SHAMING the woman who is a size 18 and posts selfies of herself in a new outfit. 

STOP SHAMING the size 0 girl who can eat an entire village and not gain a pound. 

STOP SHAMING the people who don't fit the 'mold'.

I have an idea. How about instead of bashing the mom with a six pack, we congratulate her on her hard work.

Instead of calling the size 18 names, we compliment her sense of style.

Instead of bad mouthing the size 0, we go to lunch and get to know her.

Instead of SHAMING everyone, we realize that we are all beautiful in our own way and that's all that matters!

*Thank you Dove for your awesome 'real-women' campaign*

Friday, October 24, 2014

Inside or Outside?

Wow, things have been CRAZY! Moving, work, certifications, classes, etc. BUT, I wouldn't ask for a better life. Life is good!

I finally got another video done. Sorry for my rant ;) Love you all!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Transformation Tuesday V1

I am super excited to announce that starting TODAY I will be highlighting some AMAZING individuals and couples who have decided to take their life into their own hands and change their lifestyle for the better!

I'll start with my own TT story.

I've always been into fitness but during my pregnancy I didn't eat as well as I should have and didn't exercise as much as I should have. I didn't gain a ton of weight, but I probably could have prevented a couple of extra pounds. 

As soon as I had my little, I became a Beachbody coach and started working out with Piyo as well as drinking Shakeology. 

After a month, I started doing 2 a days with P90X3 and Piyo. The pictures above are 2 months after my little was born! 

I have completely changed how I eat, and I make sure I get my workouts in. 
Yes, it can be tiring, especially with a baby but I MAKE time. I would rather take care of myself now than have to take care of my sick-self later.

I will be starting Whole 30 this Monday and am SUPER excited! 

My body may not be where I WANT it to be, but I am sure grateful for it and am on my JOURNEY towards fitness! 

Remember: Being healthy is a LIFESTYLE. It's a JOURNEY, not a destination. Keep going and NEVER GIVE UP! 

If you would like to nominate someone for Transformation Tuesday, please feel free to message me!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Killer Core Plank Challenge

This past week I hosted a 5 day plank challenge and received great feedback! It was so fun to hear from everyone in the group about their sore muscles and progress! Sooooo, I thought I would post my videos here so you could all participate and make fun of my awkwardness :) 

Unfortunately making videos in your tiny 1 bedroom apartment is a little difficult, especially when you just had a baby and are getting read to move. haha

I plan on making more videos/challenges and would love to hear your feedback! Is there a certain challenge you would like to see? Let me know!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Sunday, September 21, 2014

It's Your Turn

I cannot tell you how excited I am for this MAJOR announcement! 

I've had so many people come to me and tell me they want to get into shape but that they're scared to start. They're afraid it'll be too hard and that they'll fail. 

First of all, if you start working out and stick with it, you can't FAIL! 

You can only fail if you don't try. 

Second, this program is designed to EASE you into fitness. It's designed to challenge you, but not destroy you. 

Make the decision to change your life for the better. 

*I am ONLY accepting 2-3 people who are serious about changing their lives to join my P90 test group the starts in October. 
Contact me if you are interested, and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior Project. <3 


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Stretch It Out- Hips, Hammies and Quads!

PLEASE PLEASE PLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE make sure you are stretching after each workout! I can't stress this enough! It is sooooooooooo important to make sure you stretch to keep your range of motion. Your muscles can will work MUCH better if you keep an awesome range of motion :)

*Again, feel free to make fun of me, I know that I am not the best at videos ;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The D Word

Let's be honest. There are a lot of misconceptions about depression. It's more common than you think!

P.S. You are more than welcome to laugh at me! I sometimes get lost in my thoughts and they don't come out super well ;)

Monday, September 15, 2014

3 Week Update

It's been 3 weeks since I started working out again post-baby.
Let me give you my stats.

August 25, 2014

Weight: 158 lbs
Bicep: L 11"    R 11.5"
Waist: 32 1/4"
Hips: 40"
Quad: L 23 1/4    R 23"
Calf: L 14"    R 13 3/4

September 15, 2014

Weight: 155 lbs
Bicep: L 11 3/4"   R 12 1/4"
Waist: 31"
Hips: 38"
Quad: L 23"    R 22 3/4"
Calf: L 14 1/4"    R 14"

*I didn't do my bust because I'm breast feeding, and well... my boobs fluctuate. 

Even more than my measurements,
 I can finally hold my plank again! 
I can feel my abs underneath my extra padding.
I can carry the car seat with my babe in it without having to use both hands. 
I can walk up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment without feeling like I'm going to die.
I can fit into my skinny jeans again!

Most importantly, I'm FEELING GOOD

I'm not working out, eating right, and constantly posting selfies because I want to 'brag'. I'm posting them because I want people to know that you can meet your fitness goals! 
I'm posting them because I want the HELP people! 

This is my passion, and I want to help as many people as I can get to their fitness goals!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

MY goals

Since my last (awkward) video, I've decided to take my own advice and share my goals here for the world to see. :)

Weekly Goals:

Workout twice, 6 days 
Read my scriptures daily
Drink AT LEAST 80 oz. water/day
Pray daily
Compliment at least one person day

Monthly Goals:

Lose 5 lbs
Read 2 personal development books
Blog at least 3 x's a week
Keep the house clean
Go on a date with the hubs once a week

Long Term Goals:

Buy a house:
-pay off medical bills by the end of the year and SAVE

Finish school:
-Get associates by fall 2015

Alrighty, it's your turn! What are your goals?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My First Video!

Alrighty blogger world! I made my first video that helps explain why I do what I do! :) 

Not gonna lie, it was a little awkward talking to a camera but keep checking back for more videos! I'm definitely going to be posting more 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Vision Board

Welcome to my virtual vision board! This is a picture list of all the things that motivate me, goals that I'm working towards, and things that I love! 

Vision boards are great for keeping yourself motivated and remembering why you make goals in the first place :)

Get my 5k under 30 minutes again.

Learn to do something cool with my nails

Get my flexibility back!

Go to the temple at least once a month

Get my feet flat and legs straight in down dog

Beat my WOS time

Get my core strength back

What would be on your vision board?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


 What is the most important thing in the world to you?
 Who are the most important people to you? 

Me? My religion and my family. 

I love my family more than anything in this world. My family has a history of knee problems, mental disabilities, and high blood pressure. My husband has a MAJOR family history of cancer. I've already had surgery on my right knee, been on crutches 3 times, and am on Zoloft for depression and anxiety. (Mostly for post-partum) My husband has been told by his doctor that he needs to start getting regular colonoscopys starting at age 30. 30! 

I hate pills. I hate being in the hospital. I hate feeling low and like I don't want to move. SO, I take preventative action. I try and eat well and workout. Now that's not to say that I don't indulge every once in a while, but I try and follow the 9:1 rule

Ever noticed how you feel after you've just eaten your weight in french fries and cookies? Ever noticed how you've felt after eating well for a day? There's a BIG difference isn't there? 

Ever noticed how you feel after you workout? AWESOME, right? 

Did you know that working out and eating well helps people with depression and anxiety IMMENSELY? I'm not saying it cures it, but it sure helps! Natural 'happy' chemicals are released into your body boosting your mood and energy. 

You can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on pills, doctors visits, physical therapy, etc, OR you can take care of yourself and save yourself the stress of hospital bill on top of hospital bill. 

SO, I eat and workout for my family. I want to live long enough to see my children grow up and have children of their own. I want my children to grow up learning to love their body and how to take care of themselves. 

Find your WHY and never forget it!

If you're ready to take CHARGE of your life, get healthy, lose weight and feel GOOD, message me! Join one of the many challenge groups that I help host on Facebook where you can meet other people who are wanting to change their life and become HEALTHY! 
Meal Plans
Me As A Coach For FREE!

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Alrighty blogger world, I recently became a Beachbody coach!
I know what you're thinking... "A Beachbody coach? Those guys are annoying! All they want you to do is buy their stuff and workout all day everyday."

An image of a ripped sweaty half naked man and woman that looks like a man eating raw beef with one hand an lifting a dumbbell the size of your head in the other used to come to mind when I heard someone was a Beachbody coach.

But over the past couple of years I've been researching it trying to decide if it was something that I wanted to do. Turns out, it is! I'll admit, I was skeptical at first but so far things are going good! I was worried that people would see me as one of those mindless meat heads, or a pushy salesman. I am hear to say that I am neither!

First off, yes, I do want to build my team and my clients, but ONLY because I wholeheartedly believe in the programs that Beachbody produces! I want to HELP people! Whether it be with their health and fitness goals, or their financial situation.

Being a personal trainer was one of my favorite jobs aside from the selling that I had to do. I hated being that pushy buy! buy! buy! person... I believed in myself and my ability to help people reach their goals, but I was working for a well know gym that didn't seem to mind upping the price of personal training every month or so. Eventually it got to the point where I would be trying to sell to someone who could barely afford their gym membership! I hated being under the foot of a corporation, so I quit. It was a hard decision. I LOVED my clients, and I LOVED watching them reach their goals, but I couldn't work for a soul sucking company.

About a month ago, I had my first baby. I'll admit that I didn't work out as much as I should have, and didn't eat super healthy while I was pregnant. My first trimester was nausea land, and my second and third trimesters were force-myself-to-eat-playland. In hind site, I wish I would have forced myself to workout more and eat healthier. I'm not saying I was a total slob and did absolutely nothing. I just didn't do as much as I could have. I didn't gain that much extra weight either, but I lost A LOT of muscle tone. It makes me want to cry because of how much I lost. I was beefin up and lookin good.

I want to get back to that place! SOOOOO.....
Here I am internet! All 154 pounds of me. (I was 156.6 when I took the pictures)

Pardon my dirty bathroom....

I am on my journey to getting back into shape. My goal weight is 135. That's 19 lbs. TOTALLY doable! 

I hope that posting my 'Before' pictures will help keep me accountable and motivate me to push through those hard day when I want to stuff my face with cupcakes and french fries. 

Want to join me in reaching your goals? I would LOVE to hear from you! I have challenge groups going every month that are full of people who are all working towards a personal goal and keeping themselves accountable! Message me for details, or just to chat! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kick It Into Gear!

This beautiful lady accomplished this AWESOME transformation in just 7 weeks by doing Piyo and eating better. If you want to start seeing results like this, we have a couple of spots left in our challenge group!
Nutrition advice 
Meal plans
 An AMAZING workout plan
Support, Motivation and Accountability
and best of all, RESULTS!
I am so looking forward to getting my butt into gear, losing this baby weight, and training for next years races!!
Message me for details on this rockin opportunity, or if you have any questions!

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Last year I made it known that through most of high school I battled an eating disorder. (You can read about it HERE) I struggled with my self worth and self esteem. Through some deep soul searching, praying, and overcoming some major medical problems, I realized I was going about getting the results I wanted in the wrong way. 

I decided that I wanted to learn all I could about health and fitness. The more I learned and put what I was learning into practice, the better I felt about myself. I started to realize that I don't have to be a size 2 in order to feel good about myself! 

The feeling you have when you are genuinely happy is the best feeling ever and I've spent my life trying to help others feel the same. No one deserves to feel like they are inadequate simply because they wear a certain size of clothing. 

I never want my daughter to go through what I went through. I want her to love herself and others no matter what they look like. 

This is why I decided to become a Beach Body coach. I want to help others take charge of their health and feel like they are on top of the world! 

Why do I bring this up? Because Monday there will be a SNEAK PEEK Facebook group where they will tell you all about coaching. We will share testimonies and everything you ever wanted to know about what BeachBody is all about. All you have to do is listen and participate by watching other coaches stories. If you've ever considered becoming a coach, I would HIGHLY recommend this sneak peek group! 

What's better than being able to earn an income for living a healthy life?? 

#lovemyjob #healthylife #beachbody 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What Get's YOU In The Mood?

Let's face it.... the hardest part about running, is getting your butt out the door. Once you hit the pavement or the dread mill, what tunes do you rock out to to keep your legs going? 
I like songs with a good beat, that talk about a hot body, or not giving up. 

Here's 20 songs that keep me jammin through my run:

1: Turbulence - Steve Aoki & Laidback Luke

2: Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo

3: Hot Like Wow - Nadia Oh

4: Your Body - Christina Aguilera

5: We Run the Night - Havana Brown
6: Warrior -Ke$ha ( I like to play this song when I hit my wall... it makes me remember that I'm a WARRIOR!)

7: Something For the DJs - Pitbull

8: Problem - Natalia Kills

9: Pound the Alarm - Nicki Minaj

10: No Sigue Modas a.k.A Ella No Sigue Modas- Don Omar

11: Live It Up - Jennifer Lopez

12: I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin (another wall song... AWESOME)

13: Hello -Karmin

14: Can't Hold Us Down - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

15: Dark Horse -Katy Perry

16: Let the Groove Get In - Justin Timberlake
17: Let's Go - Calvin Harris

18: Zumba - Don Omar

19: Sexy Movimiento - Wisin & Tandel

20: She Wolf - Shakira

Of course, this list is constantly changing, so I'd like to know what YOU run to!