Monday, July 29, 2013

Gluteus Maximus!

I know this is late in the day, and I apologize. It's my husband's birthday so we've been partying it up! 

Here's the workout that's going to lift, and tone that behind of yours.

1 Minute Bridge
20 Walking Lunges (Make sure you're legs make 90 degree angles with lunging)
25 Squats (Make sure you're knees track RIGHT over your toes, and you should be able to life you toes up when you're all the way down in your squat. This will ensure your weight is in the right place.)
20 Chair Hip Lifts (Lay flat on your back, and put your heels on a chair, a stair, anything elevated, then push through your heels and lift your hips to the sky. Hold 1 second, then lower.)

Repeat at least 3 times, and work up to 5! Good luck!!

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