Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oatmeal Delight!

I should have taken a picture. I'm a visual person and hate when the item I want off a menu isn't shown in the pictures on the side. I'll take a picture next time.

Who likes oatmeal? ME!
I've been looking for ways to vamp up my oatmeal without filling it with brown sugar and bananas. ( I have a sweet tooth)
The other day I made oatmeal with strawberries and granola with a small amount of dark chocolate bits. 
O. My. Goodness. It was awesome!

I know that oatmeal can taste like cardboard and kind of nasty sometimes, but eating oatmeal in the morning helps you the rest of your day!
It helps with your digestion (thank you fiber) which helps you feel fuller, longer! Add some granola and almonds with some fresh fruit to get some protein and vitamins in there. 

Your body will thank you :)

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