Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekly Challenge #2

This week is a nutrition challenge! This week I want you to give up either processed sugar, or soda. 

The soda thing for me is super easy, but giving up sugar. I gave it up for a month a while ago and thought I was going to die! BUT since then, I've cut back my sugar intake dramatically and I feel sooooooo much better! 

I used to get horrible migraines that felt like they were right on the surface of my temples. They were HORRIBLE and my doctor even put my on anti-seizure medication because he thought I was having tiny seizures every time my head hurt. Well, the medication didn't help and he was at a loss. Not too long after I decided to go a month without sugar. Since then, I've had about 2 of those migraines that lasted for about 5 minutes. Before I used to have AT LEAST 2 a day. 

This is only for ONE week, so push yourself to stay strong! You can do it!!

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