Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why Choose Personal Training?

I know the stereotypes that are associated with personal trainers. Cocky, body building, only-eat-chicken-brown-rice-and-broccoli-every-day machines, with an I'm better than you attitude.

Although some may be like that, I most certainly am NOT.
My passion is helping people realize their potential, and reach the fitness goals. I've been at the very bottom of the self-esteem hole, and I know how hard it can be to climb out of it.

As a personal trainer I know that everyone has their own starting point, and their own goals. That's why I take time to personalize my clients work outs and meal plans to optimize their results. I don't hand out cookie cutter routines. Depending on your goals, your workouts are going to vary, and differ than someone else's.

Here's what you get with PERSONAL training:

  • Personalized workouts tailored to your goals
  • Meal Plans that you can use as a road map to eating healthy and refuel your body
  • Accountability! You may hate me for it, but I'm going to be making sure you're doing your best ;)
  • Motivation! I will be there every step of the way with you, cheering you on
  • Results. If you follow my advice, and keep pushing yourself to do better, you WILL see results!

Just a reminder:

Don't forget! Each training package comes with personalized meal plans!

ALSO, I'm introducing online personal training! Contact me for more info!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Gluteus Maximus!

I know this is late in the day, and I apologize. It's my husband's birthday so we've been partying it up! 

Here's the workout that's going to lift, and tone that behind of yours.

1 Minute Bridge
20 Walking Lunges (Make sure you're legs make 90 degree angles with lunging)
25 Squats (Make sure you're knees track RIGHT over your toes, and you should be able to life you toes up when you're all the way down in your squat. This will ensure your weight is in the right place.)
20 Chair Hip Lifts (Lay flat on your back, and put your heels on a chair, a stair, anything elevated, then push through your heels and lift your hips to the sky. Hold 1 second, then lower.)

Repeat at least 3 times, and work up to 5! Good luck!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Going Gluten Free

For those of you who don't know me, I have Celiac Disease which means that I can't have gluten. It took about 5 years for the doctor's to finally diagnose me. During those 5 years, I had numerous health problems that took a toll on me. Going gluten free was the best thing I've ever done for myself.
You can read my full story HERE :)

The process of cutting all gluten out of my diet was not an easy process by any means. Gluten free foods were scarce, and the ones that were available weren't the best tasting. I've been through the hell fire of finding delicious gluten free foods, so I can definitely recommend what I think are pretty awesome GF foods. When I first decided to go GF, I instantly noticed a difference in how I felt. I had energy, I didn't feel bloated, and I didn't have to sleep 18 hours a day.
So, here we go!

First of all let me say that it is NOT easy. Once you know what to look for, you will discover that gluten is in almost EVERYTHING. If you don't need to go gluten free for a medical reason, then you don't need to be a stingy as me. But, if you are like me, then you have to make sure that everything is safe.

If you're looking to just cut back, or substitute some of the major sources of gluten, I would recommend using veggies. 

Instead of this pasta
 use spaghetti squash

or get one those tools that makes any veggie into spaghetti shapes. mmmmm! 

If you do want actual pasta, I haven't come across a pasta that I haven't liked yet surprisingly. I usually go for the brown rice, whole grain pastas because they're a little more healthy :)

As far as bread goes, I like to make my sandwiches into lettuce wraps, but on occasion when I want bread I go for Rudi's brand. It it BY FAR the best tasting, and has the best texture. A lot of gluten free breads are too airy, stale, or cake-like and most have to be heated up or toasted in order to be any good. Rudi's is like normal bread, but without the nasty gluten :)

As far as tortilla's go, I like to make my own. I buy Jules Gluten Free Flour blend to make my tortillas, as well as all my baked goods. This flour can be transferred to any normal recipe almost most flawlessly. Some recipes you have to play with and possibly add other stuff, but I LOVE this flour blend. BEST by far.

Favorite tortilla recipe HERE.
Rudi's again takes the cake when it comes to store bought tortillas. They are bendable and don't break! They do need a little heat to get them going, but they fold without cracking :) Trust me, that's been a HARD thing to find.

Pizza has been one of the hardest things to find gluten free. There's been many pizza's out there, but none with a crust that doesn't taste like cardboard, or doesn't crumble instantly with human contact. Udi's (not to be confused with Rudi's) brand pizza and pizza crust are the best! I like to make my own pizza's so I can put whatever I want on them, but I won't use any other brand of crust. 

If you're looking to bake anything, the King Arthur brand is BY FAR the BEST! I haven't tried a mix that I haven't liked. They are delicious, and no one can tell that they are gluten free! Just ask my family ;)

That covers the basics I think. As far as cereal goes, most will tell you on the front or underneath the ingredients list. I'm not much of a huge cereal eater because of all the sugar and processing it goes through, but I have tried a lot of different kinds, and Chex will always be my favorite. :)

Hope this helps, and please feel free to ask any questions! I don't know everything but I will help you if I can :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013


No time to workout? Do this 5 minute workout as many as you want to get a quick workout in during your lunch break, or any break you have!

Jump Invisible Rope: 45 sec.
15 sec. REST

High Knees: 45 sec.
15 sec. REST

Calf Raises: 45 sec.
15 sec. REST

Wall Squat: 45 sec.
15 sec. REST

Plank: 45 sec.
15 sec. REST


Now you have NO excuse. Get a workout in!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekly Challenge #3!

Congrats to all of those who made it through last week without sugar and/or soda!! If I could give all of you a hug, I would... So give yourself one for me and remember that you just accomplished something AWESOME! :)

This weeks challenge is all about your HEART

Your heart is the most important muscle in your body.
It is in charge of pumping blood to all the extremities and heart disease is one of the leading cause of death in America. 
Needless to say, it's your life line and you need to take care of it.

This week, I want you to take 30 MINUTES out of each day and give back to your heart.

Now... I know that cardio isn't everyone's favorite thing to do, but cardio can be fun!
Go for a walk with your spouse, dog, kids, etc. 
Jog, play outside, do some jumping jacks, ANYTHING to get your heart rate up.
If you can't block out a 30 minute section, do 3-10 minute intervals. 
Every little minute adds up!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Salad a la Cass

Lately, I've been eating a lot of salad for lunch, but today's was by far my favorite. 

To some, it may not be that appealing, but it was packed full of vitamins, protein, and deliciousness!

Eggs, mushrooms, olives, carrots, avocado, and a garlic vinaigrette.Mmmmm

Salads are one of the most versatile meals and can also be one of the healthiest. They are given a bad rep sometimes as being a meal option for rabbits, but in reality they can be packed full of delicious fruits and veggies without a ton of calories. I would rather fill up on a TON of salad than something deep fried. (Even though I will never EVER give up my french fries mmmm) 


Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekly Challenge #2

This week is a nutrition challenge! This week I want you to give up either processed sugar, or soda. 

The soda thing for me is super easy, but giving up sugar. I gave it up for a month a while ago and thought I was going to die! BUT since then, I've cut back my sugar intake dramatically and I feel sooooooo much better! 

I used to get horrible migraines that felt like they were right on the surface of my temples. They were HORRIBLE and my doctor even put my on anti-seizure medication because he thought I was having tiny seizures every time my head hurt. Well, the medication didn't help and he was at a loss. Not too long after I decided to go a month without sugar. Since then, I've had about 2 of those migraines that lasted for about 5 minutes. Before I used to have AT LEAST 2 a day. 

This is only for ONE week, so push yourself to stay strong! You can do it!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thank you!

After my last post about why I became a trainer, I felt very vulnerable and nervous. I've never really talked about that part of my past with anybody except my husband and a couple of friends who only know minor details. To tell it to the world was a BIG deal. This past week has shown me that I had no need to feel embarrassed, or vulnerable.  
I have seen and felt so much support from friends and family! I never expected this to happen so I would like to thank all of you who read this blog. 

I hope to be able to help those who are going through what I went through. I never had anybody to talk to about it, and that made it so much harder than it had to be. I was all alone in my battle (for the most part) and I was a long hard battle. I want this blog to be a place where those feeling the same way can come and realize that there is hope, and that there is a way out. 
You are not alone. There are people who care about you and want to help you. 

As I was thanking my Heavenly Father for my blessings this morning while looking at the support that I've received, I ran across this article by SHAPE magazine, and I think it's worth while. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oatmeal Delight!

I should have taken a picture. I'm a visual person and hate when the item I want off a menu isn't shown in the pictures on the side. I'll take a picture next time.

Who likes oatmeal? ME!
I've been looking for ways to vamp up my oatmeal without filling it with brown sugar and bananas. ( I have a sweet tooth)
The other day I made oatmeal with strawberries and granola with a small amount of dark chocolate bits. 
O. My. Goodness. It was awesome!

I know that oatmeal can taste like cardboard and kind of nasty sometimes, but eating oatmeal in the morning helps you the rest of your day!
It helps with your digestion (thank you fiber) which helps you feel fuller, longer! Add some granola and almonds with some fresh fruit to get some protein and vitamins in there. 

Your body will thank you :)

Why I Became a Personal Trainer

As a personal trainer I meet lots of people with all different kinds of goals. One thing  that always comes up is how I got into personal training. There's always a different answer for each person; I love working out, I love helping people reach their goals, I love helping people realize they can do things they thought were impossible. No matter the answer, it all funnels down to one thing. 

I've been debating whether or not to post my story because only a handful of people know the real reason I became a personal trainer and why I'm dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. 

The first time I can remember really caring about my weight is when I put on a pair of green corduroys in the 6th grade and they were a little tight. I walked down the stairs and asked my mom and sister if the pants I was wearing made me look fat. 

It was all down hill from there. 

Jr. High was when I really started to think that I wasn't as skinny or as pretty as the other girls in my grade. 

High school was when things started to really go down hill. I had started dancing at the age of 12. It was my dream to go to college and dance. I was at the point in my life where I was debating whether I wanted to major in ballet, or modern. I was in the doctor's office talking to my doctor about what I wanted to do and this is what he said to me. "Aren't you too big to be a ballerina?" 

I was 17 years old at the time, I already had body image problems and then I had my doctor tell me that I was too big to be a ballerina. I was 5'4" and weighed 130 lbs. I wasn't huge. I had muscle. I played softball, swam competitively, and danced. I grew up like a tom boy and yes, I had muscle. 

That was when I started to take drastic measures. I began throwing everything up almost everything that I ate. And I was good at hiding it. Very good.
I felt terrible. I hated the way I looked. 
I never thought I was good enough. 
I got pretty low, and was constantly fighting with myself. 

After awhile, my best friend at the time found out. It was super embarrassing and I knew that I had to change.

I started researching and realizing that there was a better way to do things. 

Long story short, it hasn't been easy by any means and I still have body image issues occasionally, but I've grown to love myself and to accept my body.
 My body is mine, and I love it!

I've learned to not compare myself to others and to take pride in my little accomplishments. 
This is the best I've felt in a LONG time, and I want to share it with others. 

That is why I became a personal trainer. 
I love helping other realize that being skinny isn't the only thing. 
Being HEALTHY is a goal, not dropping 60 lbs. 

I created this site because I want to help others who are going through what I went through. 
Please share this page with your friends! 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weekly Challenge!

Hello all! I'm excited to announce that starting this week I will be posting weekly challenges to help keep you motivated and working out during the week! 

This week is an ARM CHALLENGE!

I will be posting my progress during the week, and would love to hear how you are all doing as well! Post in the comment section (you can do it anonymously if you would like) and send supporting thoughts to others. 

We are all in this together and only words of encouragement are allowed :)

Alrighty, let's get to it!

Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
10 Push-ups
45 Second plank
10 Tricep dips
 Mon do 3 reps, Wed 4 reps, Fri 5 reps

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:
10 Elbows to plank (start in plank on your elbows, then push up to a full on plank and then back down to your elbows. This is 1 rep)  
30 Second side plank (each side)
20 Plank to downward dog (start in full on plank, keeping the abs tight lift the hips to down dog and return to  plank. This is 1 rep)
Tues do 3 reps, Thurs 4 reps, Sat 5 reps

Sunday is rest day. Good luck to you all!

*Side Note
I am looking to really expand the blog into a full on website within the next couple of months and I'm looking for another contributor or 2 to help me keep up with posting. Message me on Facebook (click on the link at the top of the blog) and we will see what we can work out, thanks guys!