Monday, May 6, 2013

Sugar Challenge Day 1

Well, we made it home safely from Blanding this past weekend. We took the parental's four wheeler and rode that around everywhere. The only down side? MAJOR sunburn... I completely spaced bringing sunscreen. Big mistake. My arms and hands were so burned that I couldn't sleep the following night, and my right hand swelled up. No bueno 

Anywho, while we were there, I enjoyed my last tastings of sugar for 30 days. Luckily, my sister in law Becky is doing it with me or else I'm not sure I would be able to do it! 

So, along with the no sugar thing I've started using MyFitnessPal again. It's an app you can download onto your phone that helps you track your caloric intake, and how much you burn from exercise. It's a pretty awesome, but I always forget to use it. HA. Well anywho, if any of you would like to join me on it, you can add me at cassielynne326. 

Today has been good so far. Well... considering it's only 8:15 in the morning.. ha. Had a great breakfast, and I'm getting ready to head to the gym. 

This blog will serve as my aid when I'm craving sugar so I apologize in advance for the posts that might come up in the next month :)

Oh! I almost forgot! One last thing... 

Words of Wisdom for the day


  1. Cassie, Our Grandma Hunt (also known as Granny Lightning because she was always moving fast!) always said that very thing: "I eat to live, not live to eat." Keep up the good work!
    LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. I've always said that. Good advice! Good luck on your no sugar journey. Not sure what I'm going to fix for 2nd Sunday dinner. You'll have to let me know what I can fix!!!
