Sunday, May 19, 2013

5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Race Season

It's race season, and one of my favorite races to do is the Women of Steel Spring Triathlon in American Fork. 

Pre race jitters set in as soon as I stripped down to my swim suit, lined up along the pool, and felt the very cold wind touch my bare skin. In fact, I was so nervous that I forgot to run across the timing strip to activate my timing chip. I just jumped right in, realized I had to jump back out in order to actually start, then got back in. Embarrassing to say the least, but at least my nerves were calmed due to the fact I was laughing at myself. ;)

The race started, I swam, I biked, I ran, and beat my pr! What?? Let me share with you some tricks that will help you get through your next race.

1: Trust your body! 
      Bodies are an amazing thing, and if you are preparing for a race, you are one lucky human being. Some people aren't able to run, let alone sign up and prepare for a race, so be grateful for the body you have and trust its amazing abilities.

2: Think of how far you've come!
      During the second loop of the bike session, I started thinking of the dreaded run that I had to do after. The thought got me down a little. I'm not the best runner by any means, and I was dreading that 3 mile run. (I know, 3 miles? Easy...) My legs were already on fire, plus I was still soaked from the swim. The weather was rainy, cold and windy. The last thing I wanted to do was run. BUT I had to look on the bright side. I had already swam, and biked... running was that last thing! I couldn't give up!

3: DO NOT compare yourself to others!
      There is nothing that can destroy your spirit like comparing yourself to others. There's always going to be someone ahead of you, and someone behind you. All you need to think about is beating your pr, or thinking about what's waiting for you at the finish line. That sense of accomplishment is like nothing you will ever experience. 

4: Have a mantra!
      During the middle of my race, when my legs were tighter than those rubber bands you use with braces, and my lungs were on fire, "The faster you run (bike), the faster you're done!" kept running through my head. I cannot tell you how much that helped! I wanted to get done and beat my pr, so that running through my head kept me going.

5: Have a cheering section!
     My mom and husband came to cheer me on. The best part of this race? EVERYBODY cheers you on. I passed tons of people with posters cheering on their family and friends, but every one of them cheered me on as well. I even had a little boy cheer my on as I ran past his soccer game. Cheering people on, and having people cheer you on helps IMMENSELY! Please, if you're in a race, or supporting someone at a race... cheer EVERYONE on. 

Me and ma sista


We are Women of Steel!

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