Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ab Slayer!

Now that I've established my blog a little more, I'm hoping to start posting more workouts on here.

If you have any questions about how to work certain areas, or how to work on your endurance, intervals, weight loss, etc, feel free to ask and I'll come up with workouts to help!

Now then.. onto what I like to call the Ab Slayer workout. Try doing this at least 3 times, and work your way up to 5 or 6.

EQUIPMENT: Swiss ball (workout ball)

V-ups: Start laying on the ground with the Swiss ball (or an imaginary one) in your hands over your head. At the same time, crunch up and put the ball between your legs. Release back, let your arms come back over head, and only let your legs go to about 45 degress. Repeat 10 times.
*If you let your legs go all the back down, your back with arch and your quads will take over. You want to use those low abs to bring your legs back up!

Photo Courtesy:

Swiss Ball Pike: Start in a push up position with your feet on top of the ball. Tucking your abs in, lift your hips and roll the ball forward until you're in a pike position. Return to plank, keeping your abs tight, and repeat 10 times

Photo Courtesy:

Side Ab Lifts: Lay on your side up on your elbow. Make sure your elbow is right underneath your shoulder. Lift your hips up as high as you can, pushing into your feet and elbows. Hold 5 seconds then repeat 10 times each side.

Bicycle Crunches: Lay on your back with your hands behind your neck. DO NOT INTERLOCK YOUR FINGERS. Hold them gently behind your neck, crunch up and twist so your right elbow touches your left knee, then alternate. Do 50 reps.

Elbow Plank: In this plank position, do not grasp hands. Instead, have them straight out in front like the sphinx in Egypt, looking out in front, just past your fingers to keep your spine in alignment. Keeping abs tight, don't let your hips drop and don't pike them up either. Hold 1 minute.

Photo Courtesy:

Repeat this at least 3 times, and work your way up to 5 :) You're abs will thank you!

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