Wednesday, December 10, 2014

You Were Born To Never Give Up

As I'm sitting here thinking about how incredibly blessed I am to be a SAHM (stay at home mom), I couldn't help but think about how much my little is teaching me. 

She is now 4.5 months old and has mastered holding her head up, rolling from her front to her back, then back to her front, and she's realizing she can put her legs underneath her and rocket herself forward. It's so much fun to see her hit these milestones! 

It's also really hard to watch her struggle when all I want to do is help her.

It would be so easy to just craddle her to sleep every time she woke up but then she would never learn to fall asleep on her own.

It would have been so easy to give her that little push and pull her arm out from under her when she was trying to roll to her front. 

It would be so easy to pick her up and move her to her toy but she would never learn to crawl.

As I was thinking about this, I came to a realization. 

Have you ever noticed that babies never give up? Yes they may rest their head when they are learning to hold it up, and they cry and get frustrated when they get stuck on their sides trying to roll over, but THEY ALWAYS KEEP TRYING.

Light bulb!

WE WERE BORN TO NEVER GIVE UP.  We want something so bad that we fight for it. 

You will fall. You will cry, scream, and probably throw a tantrum. You will want to give up. When you feel that way take a break like a baby who rests their o-so-heavy head while they are trying to hold their head up. Then, like that baby, lift yourself back up and KEEP TRYING.

You will get better. You will be able to hold your head up over time.

Attitude is everything. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

New YOU Resolutions

The year I'm not doing New Year's resolutions.... I am however, doing New YOU resolutions! 
Life is too short and if you wait until you're ready, you'll never start. 
I started TODAY, here are my New YOU resolutions: 

Read more (personal development)
Workout 6 days a week
Lose 10 pounds of fat, gain 5 pounds of muscle
Get my 5k under 30 minutes
Trim 10 minutes off my tri time
Run at least 1 half
Read scriptures daily
Go to the temple at least once a month
Become a diamond coach
Grow my PT business
Become a Piyo master trainer

What are your New YOU resolutions?