Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sculpt Those Shoulders in 5 Exercises!

Let's be honest.. as women, we don't want to bulk... Don't worry, you won't become like

                                                              The Built in Neck Pillow

                                                                       or the Hulk

                                                                 or even, The Alien.

Shoulder strength is important for everyday usage, and not a lot of women like to work it. You use your shoulders for a lot more than you think, and it's important to make sure you strengthen the muscles that support your shoulder. Doing so will help prevent injury, and keep your range of motion.

 Below, I've created a quick workout with 5 exercises that ANY woman can do. Aim for 3 sets of 12

Bow and Arrow: *For a little more challenge, do this single leg switching between sets.
Stand with you feet about hip width apart. Using dumbells, (I use 3-5 lbs) hold them straight out in front of you with your palms facing each other. Now just pretend you're holding a bow and arrow! Pull one arm back keeping your elbo parallel to the floor, and not letting it droop. Bring it back to starting and switch to the other arm. 
Do 12 each arm, 3 sets.

Shoulder Flexion with Upward Rotation: 
Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Holding dumbells, bend the elbows to make a 90 degree angle with your arms. From there, pretend you're a puppet and keep your arms at the same angle as you raise your elbows, making your arms parallel to the floor. Hold 1 second, then rotate your arms up. (as if you were being arrested and the cop said, freeze! ;) ) Rotate back down, then lower the elbows
Do 12 reps, 3 sets.

Shoulder Fly: *For more of a challenge, do this single leg, switching between sets.
Stand with your feet shoulder distance apart. Keep your abs tight, and bend at the hips. With dumbells in hand, palms facing forward, keep your arms straight as you 'flap' like a bird. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you lift, and keeping them from falling forward as you return to starting. 
Do 12 reps, 3 sets

Shoulder Row: *This can be done with dumbells, or a barbell. Or even your laundry soap container ;)
Stand with your feet should width apart. Grip the barbell over hand. Extend the thumbs leaving about an inch between them. Shooting your elbows to the side lift the barbell up to your chest keeping it as close to your body as you can. Hold at the top for a second, then lower.
Do 12 reps, 3 sets.

Clean and Press: *If you are not familiar with the clean, just stick with the press as to not perform it with improper form which can cause injury.
Start by doing a shoulder row, but instead of holding and lowering, once you get to the top, get your body underneath the barbell. Press it overhead, lower, then reverse. Make sure you are keeping your elbows to the side as you pull up and release down while keeping the bar as close to your body as possible! This will take the pressure off your biceps and the front of your sholders. (this form is especially important! If you ever start lifting more weight, form is everything. We don't want injuries!)
Do 12 reps, and work up to 3 sets

                           Before you know it, your shoulders will be scuplted and strong! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Thigh Gap

When it comes to health and fitness, everyone has a different starting point, and ending point. (I'm pretty sure I've said that before)

I was talking to one of my clients and she mentioned something to me that disturbed me a little. 
As she was reading a magazine one day that said a good way to test if you were skinny enough was to see if you had "the thigh gap". 

I looked at her stunned. She let out a fake-ish laugh and looked at me with curious eyes. I told her to never ever believe that. Whoever said that is full of it. All of our bodies are made different; some people have broad shoulders, others have super long legs, while some have an overbite. Everyone is made differently, and that is a wonderful thing! Otherwise we would all look like robots.....

I personally like to be unique.

Kind of half laughing, I told her that I used to think the same thing (which sadly, is true). Back in high school I felt the need to have the "thigh gap" Being a dancer and a teenage girl in high school, there was a lot of pressure to be TINY, and every time I looked at the girls who seemed to be in perfect shape; dainty, skinnny, tall, and tan, the little green monster inside of me would grow. Feeding off my feelings of vanity for what others had, that monster convinced me to take drastic measures to look like the "perfects". I don't want to get into it, but let's just say I was miserable. After high school, as I researched and studied human anatomy, nutrition, and kinesiology, I realized that my body will never have the thigh gap. It's just the way my hips were made. Just like I will never have my middle splits completely because of my hips. 

As I explained this to her, a look of relief washed over her. I could see hope in her eyes. She smiled. 

Just like I once was, (and occasionally still am) she is very concerned about her body image, and losing weight. I tell her every time I see her that it's not about getting your body to look like those on the Victoria's Secret windows, but to become HEALTHY. 

Healthy is a complete lifestyle change. It doesn't happen over night, and it's a constant mental battle. 

Because of this conversation, I decided to change the name of my Facebook page, and blog. I want people to know that I am not perfect, nor have I ever been when it comes to fitness and health, but I do my best. I know that my body will never be like the girl my 16 year old self thought I had to be, and I'm perfectly ok with that. :) 

Love yourself, love your body, and NEVER compare yourself to others.