Saturday, November 30, 2013

November SHRED Day 23!

How are your abs feeling? Good I hope :)

Day 23 is ready for you kill!

45 Second Quick Steps
*Using a step, step up one leg at a time, the back down one leg at a time as you can within 45 seconds. 

15 Second Rest

45 Second Both Leg High Knees
*Jump with both feet and bring your knees up as high as you can, then like hot potato, as soon as your feet touch the ground, jump again. 

15 Second Rest

45 Second Burpees
*With Push Up

15 Second Rest

45 Second Sumo Squats
*Legs a little wider than hips, and toes pointed out. Make sure when you squat your knees are tracking RIGHT over your toes.

15 Second Rest

45 Second Hand Plank

15 Second Rest

45 Second Elbow Plank to Hand Plank
*Star in hand plank. One arm at a time, push up to  hand plank (keeping your hips even) and then back down.

15 Second Rest

45 Second Switch Lunges

15 Second Rest

45 Second Sprint

Rest for 3- 5 minutes, then repeat 3-5 times!!

Keep Pushing yourself to achieve AMAZING results! Believe in yourself!

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