Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November SHRED Day 11!

Did you survive yesterday's workout? I hope you finished it, no matter how long it took!
You guys are awesome. Keep up the good work, and DON'T QUIT :)

Alrighty, here's today's workout!

20 (each leg) Lunge to High Knee
*Right leg steps back so you're in a lunge. Swing it forward, push off your left leg and jump as high as you can. Land on your left, and place your right back to starting position. Do 20, the switch legs

20 (10 each arm) Elbow to Plank
Start in elbow plank, and push up to your hands one at a time. Whichever arm you pushed up with first, go back to elbow plank with that one. Do 10, the switch arms.

20 (each leg) Side Lunges
*Start in a squatting position, lunge to the side as deep as you can, push back to a squat position. Alternate legs ever rep.

20 (each arm) Tricep Push Ups
*Lay on your side with your legs bent and tucked. With the arm closest to the ground, hug yourself and place the opposite arm right under your shoulder and push to straight. Make sure you try and keep most of your weight in that arm to get the most out of this move :)

Repeat this circuit 3-5 times. 

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