Saturday, November 23, 2013

November SHRED Day 19!

I hope that you are all KILLING it,and enjoying your workouts :)

Today's is a PUSH UP CHALLENGE! whoot whoot!!

Do this workout every so often and watch home much stronger you'll get and the more push ups you'll be able to bust out!

10 Regular Push Ups
*Really push yourself to finish these 10 without quitting and getting your arms to 90 degree angles. 

10 Arms In Push Ups
*When you lower your body, your arms should rub right against your sides. These are harder, so really try and do your best!

10 Triangle Push Ups
*Hands in a triangle, elbows go out when you lower

10 Temp (3:2:1) Push Ups
*These are regular push ups except with a tempo. Slowly lower for 3 seconds, hold for 2 second, push up quickly in 1 second. 

10 Incline Push Ups
*Hands up against a wall, body at an incline, 10 of these easy ones ;)

10 Under The Fence Push Ups
*Do A, B, and C, the go back through B, and A. That's 1!

Finally, End with a 1 minute plank.
You will be shakin like crazy, but that's a good sign. Repeat this 2 throughout the day!

You can DO IT!

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